my cat seems really sad, why?

He is eating but he is sleeping more than usual and seems sad as in depressed


he is a year and 5 months


Favorite Answer

My cat is really lethargic too. He is not sad though, he just eats too much and he weighs 20 pounds. You dont mention your cats age or size. Why not entice the kitty to play with a kitty dancer thing on a stick. A piece of string as you walk away is always a good way to get cats to go after strings.


Hard to answer without knowing more information. Does he seem like he dont feel good, how old is he maybe he's sick? only a vet would know... But for the most part cats sleep more than they do other stuff


Maybe you're not giving him the loving he deserves. When you buy a cat you make the commitment to this magical creature to provide them with everything they need and every living creature needs a little bit of love every now and then


can you add more details please and MAYBE we can help you a little better. but like i was saying , i don;t think your cat is depressed or sad, hes just lazy. just like mine.