I need honest opinions from real Christians?

Mockers please stay away.

Intellectually I see a lot of evidence for who Jesus is. I read the Bible and I see it. And I believe in God. And I believe that Hell exists and I don't want to go there. But emotionally I just can't get into Jesus. I just can't make myself worship a human being. I know he was also divine, but he was a man too. I believe what they say about him is probably true. When I read the Bible I'm blown away by Jesus, but soon after I put it down, it fades. I can't make the leap. Is there any help for me? Or am I just not one of the elect and I should just deal with it?


There are so many great thoughtful answers here that I see people put a lot of work into. I don't have time now to do it justice and chose a best answer so I'll come back later. Anyway I don't think there really is a best answer here. There are so many thoughtful ones.


Wishnu - I kind of see what you mean because my thing is I feel like Jesus wouldn't want me because I'm too bad. And people say you pattern your feelings about God based on how you feel about your parents. I felt very unloved by my father. However, I feel like God loves me, just Jesus wouldn't want me. So I don't know.


David, I read your letter. That's alot like how I feel. It's like I know who he is but I can't quite get all the way there. However, today I kind of closed in on it. Keep talking to him. You know how I look at it, it's very close to something C.S. Lewis wrote in 'Mere Christianity.' It's like we're toy soldiers and God wants to translate us into real living alive soldiers, and we resist. I feel like the real form of life is spiritual and to join and become part of that, Jesus is the one who can translate you into that realm.


E - I hope you feel better soon.

I Love Jesus2013-03-12T16:50:22Z

Favorite Answer

Oh, you are fine ;) The Holy Spirit indwells those who love God/Jesus and I'd just talk to God and say " heh , I need some help here" and when the Spirit comes to you, you probably will experience some things that happen, just daily things or thoughts, that you would not have by yourself. God doesn't yell and scream He whispers thru the Holy Spirit. God created everyone every single person and He loves them so so so much........... He will help you. He is a loving God ;)


Well, you have to realize that Jesus was more than a man. He is part of the Holy Trinity. There is God, the Father (whom is who we call God), God the Son (Jesus), and God the Spirit (the Holy Ghost). Sure he had an earthly body made of flesh and bones for about 33 years, but that doesn't mean that He was only a man. HE is the Redeemer, the Savior, the Messiah. And He currently sits at the right hand of God. Christ, the Father, and the Holy Ghost are 3 distinct beings but are equal. The best representation is a 3- fuse candle. 3 different flames, but when the wax melts, it's all 1 puddle.


I'm kind of in the same boat, sort of. You're missing that fundamental faith, in a sense just like I am. You don't know Jesus as your savior.... I actually wrote a "letter to God" recently regarding my position, it's up here... My problem is that I don't really know Jesus, to me it's like I read the Gospels and it's like I read it and believe the teachings but I can't connect to Jesus as Jesus. Which is really confusing.
http://ourletterstogod.tumblr.com/post/45104080896/dear-god Maybe you can relate to some of it.
I have to get back to work now. All I can say is don't stop searching. Sooner or later you will find him.

I'll just add something real quick: I think it's curious that okay like with me for example. I feel like there is something missing and it's Jesus. But how can I say it's Jesus if I don't already know him in some way? It's like you, why do you ask is there any help for me? Why do you think you need help in the first place. Why do we feel like this isn't the right position to be in and why do we have some idea of the direction we ought to head in? It's a weird thought. We know where we ought to be, but don't know how to get there. But how can we know where we ought to be, if we don't have some idea or connection to that place already. Does that make sense? It confuses me too so I've probably just done a good job of confusing anybody else that might read this.


Yep, I believe in it all but I struggle with that one too, I don't know why. I was raised with this certain image of Jesus which I don't think was helpful. It's an amazing story though and I think I've been able to feel closer in prayer. One of the strengths of Christianity I think is that we have an example who suffered, I've had problems in my own life, had some very hurtful experiences. It's good to have a God who is not removed from our own suffering, so I like having a God we can in some ways identify with, that to me isn't a bad thing. But when I go to church and hear others talking about Jesus I feel quite disconnected.

You're right it's about more than intellectual acceptance, I can move beyond that in my private prayer it seems, but I have trouble in other situations.


You don't have to worship anyone to be saved. You do have to believe you’re a sinner unable to save yourself (Romans 3:23). You have to believe Jesus died for all the sins of your life to purchase your forgiveness (Colossians 2:13-14). You have to believe that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9), and you have ask Him to be your Savior and believe by faith that He will agree (Matthew 7:7-8).

God had to become a man in order to save mankind. That's His Law (Leviticus 25:25, 47-49) and He has to abide by it. And Jesus is still a man today. For Him it was a forever decision. He can never go back to being God solely in spirit form.

If you're not sure what Jesus has done for you then listen to this: http://gracethrufaith.com/gift-shop/mp3-the-incomparable-richness-of-his-grace/

This too: http://gracethrufaith.com/gift-shop/mp3-from-rags-to-riches/

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