According to the enclosed details Who are these 2 Characters?

You sir are a liar & a bully you force me to “Meet The Mummy” “Frankenstein”, “Jekyll & Hyde”, “Captain Kidd”& the “Invisible Man”
You took me on a MEXICAN HAYRIDE, Bud! “IT AIN'T HAY”
You got me “Lost in a Harem”, chased by the “Foreign Legion” you even made me “Go To Mars”
“Pardon My Sarong” “Buck Privates” but “Here Comes The Co-Eds”
“The Noose Hangs High” around my neck so “No Indians Please”
“Hold That Ghost” “Hollywood & Bust” as long as we “Have Badge Will Chase”
Lou what would I do without Well Bud you would have been dead long ago

This should be easy even though their Old School one of them was the only boy on the team :)ing

WHO are these 2?

God's Agopey Love & Blessings! :)ing

Reba W2013-03-14T08:23:09Z

Favorite Answer

I'm showing my age on this one...before my time actually but they were still on TV when I was growing up. Abbott and Costello! :D


It could be Luis and Clark. It could be the dogs from the cartoon 2 stupid dogs. It could be Bevis and Butthead. It could be Ren and Stimpy. Finally, it could be Simon and Simon.