Sincere question for those Filipino Muslims!?

When the Muslims populated area in the Philippines was devastated by a great flood, did any Muslim countries offered any "big help"? When their Muslim brothers in Malaysia had a fight against with their Muslim brother, did any Muslim country try to help or intervene?


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Did any Muslim countries offered any "big help?"

No. It is not a traditional way of Muslims countries helping one another in times of crisis. That is why only NGO or non-government organization such as ABS-CBN and other channel network that help the Muslims populated area in the Philippines when the great flood arrived and destroyed their land and the government agency assigned to assist the flooded victims.

Did any Muslim country tried to help when conflict in Malaysia happend?

Again the answer is definitely none. Why? Muslims countries are not that adept to help one another even during the time of Ramadan, they are not that open in giving gifts to one another like the xmas of the christians do in celebrating xmas season. I notice this when I spent 17 years in a Muslim countries in Africa. They only give to their immediate families not like christians and catholics that give gifting to other people not necessarily their relatives or to other charitable institution. They do not traditional help or give offerings to other Muslims brothers/sisters they know of because of their religious belief I think. It only shows Muslims in the Philippines are also poor to give or help another Muslims comrades. Have you seen or known a rich Muslim family that offered help all the time? None.But there are a few Muslim families that are rich in the Philippines, like the Ampatuans but did they offer help in flooded area? I do not know or think so. Much of their help are not publicize like the normal thing in the Philippines. But some I do think help but not that much.


Muslims ( Moslem's) are belong to Islam religion. Same as with Christians living in latin America which they don't received any help from any Christian countries. Muslim countries in Middle East still have war until now. Why the Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippine muslims don't help their brothers in Middle East but Americans (Christians) help the Middle East (Muslim) war through intervention. Why the Americans are always helping them? in fact the US allocate huge budget in war zone. You should know the answer.

The principle of religion is different to the law of human, government politics, socioeconomic etc... In most cases, the religion & politics work together to achieve favorable result through the use of faith , but this 2 powers ( politics & religion) if collided to each other will be chaotic.

IS there any organizations of Muslim countries to intervene? The only one who can intervene is the powerful one with lots of supporters.
because each countries covered with laws, culture, belief & with complicated issues.

Aside from Filipino Muslims defended the Philippine islands on 15th century. During the 80's, when Philippine economics was in turmoil, the time the Filipinos are desperate to find jobs & no where to go. The Middle east (Muslim) countries open their door to Filipinos. The overseas Filipino workers working in Muslim countries support their families, their jobs give them hope & provide self worth.. Through the remittance exchange rate, the best export product of the Philippines is human services. 60% are from Middle East.
Aside from Muslim countries, are there any other countries that offer decent contract jobs for Filipinos with affordable or almost free placement fee?

The matter with some Filipinos, you still believe on what the media told you. Lots of muslims are more sensible than Christians.

In regards with Sabah issue, I think it is strategic.


In 2002 I was in Salt lake City for the winter Olympics. I saw over a 100 people outside the LDS Conference Hall protesting against the Mormons. They carried posters saying that Joseph Smith was a false prophet. Now I have nothing against that, but I have never seen Christians outside a Mosque protesting that Mohammed was a false prophet. I've never seen them outside a Buddhist or Hindu Temple either. Same thing in Scotland and Northern Ireland, they argue and fight about whether they should listen to the priest or the pastor while the immigrant Pakistani's are building a Mosque down the street. So I've often wondered, why do Christians argue amongst themselves but never protest about other faiths?


muslims help thier co muslims but i do not know what happened its because of thier bad notion to them remember the abusayaf . they are terrorist .


nothing against muslims but I did deal with them in Iraq for 3 tours. It is their religion that is their downfall.