Sincere question for those Muslims in Muslim countries:?

When a certain part of the Philippines with Muslims inhabitants was devastated by a great flood,
when those Filipino Muslims in Sabah were being killed by their fellow Muslim followers in Malaysia,
those Muslims in Iran being killed by their Muslim brothers - what kind of help or innervation did the Muslim World offer to them/ Because as well known, if anything issue is done in the name of Muslim religion = the whole religious groups of Muslims will "actively and aggressively" strike back at one!


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In Islam it was already predicted that Muslims will start to become disobedient towards Islam and that's why we believe in judgment day. In the signs of judgment day it was predicted that two groups of large Muslims will fight against each other (don't know if it is happening or not). Most of the minor signs have already occurred and the major signs are left. One of the major signs is the sun rising from the west and even NASA confirms the possibility of the sun rising from the west. Tis is one reason why I truly believe Islam is true and the other is that many scientists in the U.S usually convert to Islam because of the scientific facts in Islam


In 2002 I was in Salt lake City for the winter Olympics. I saw over a 100 people outside the LDS Conference Hall protesting against the Mormons. They carried posters saying that Joseph Smith was a false prophet. Now I have nothing against that, but I have never seen Christians outside a Mosque protesting that Mohammed was a false prophet. I've never seen them outside a Buddhist or Hindu Temple either.
Same thing in Scotland and Northern Ireland, they argue and fight about whether they should listen to the priest or the pastor while the immigrant Pakistani's are building a Mosque down the street.
So I've often wondered, why do Christians argue amongst themselves but never protest about other faiths?


The same question to you for religious fights in Europe, England between catholics and protestants. What did all Christians do?
I am citing from wikipedia:
"Individual conflicts that can be distinguished within this topic include:

conflicts immediately connected with the Reformation of the 1520s to 1540s:
the German Peasants' War (1524–1525)
the battle of Kappel in Switzerland (1531)
the Schmalkaldic War (1546–1547) in the Holy Roman Empire
the Eighty Years' War (1568–1648) in the Low Countries
the French Wars of Religion (1562–1598)
the Thirty Years War (1618–1648), affecting the Holy Roman Empire including Habsburg Austria and Bohemia, France, Denmark and Sweden
the Wars of the Three Kingdoms (1639–1651), affecting England, Scotland and Ireland
Scottish Reformation and Civil Wars
English Reformation and Civil War
Irish Confederate Wars and the Cromwellian conquest of Ireland
Nine Years' War (1688–97)"

By God these wars, it says, are religious wars. It adds: "Although sometimes unconnected, all of these wars were strongly influenced by the religious change of the period, and the conflict and rivalry that it produced."

You should see the asnwer.


nothing ....they cannot provide any aid because Muslim countries themselves need aid from west or UN