Possible tooth infection, no pain?

So, i asked a question a few days ago asking about a chipped tooth. I'm fairly certain infection may be setting in but I';m not sure. Yesterday a co worker told me my face looked like it was swelling a little. I can't tell. Theres no pain in the tooth itself, i don't have a fever or any of the symptoms that would come with infection. Just a slightly sore shoulder. I cant get to a dentist until Monday at the earliest. Is there anything I can do to keep it from getting worse. I have no dental insurance.


I called a dentist that's open on Saturdays. They advised me that if the swelling gets worse to go to the er and they'll prescribe antibiotics. I called a family member and they are prepared to come get me if i need them. Still no pain.


Favorite Answer

antiseptic mouth wash and ibuprofen (advil) anti inflammatory




call 1-800-DENTIST
there should be an emergency dentist that can see you. don't fool around with an infection. it could kill you