Do you have one or more personal stories to tell that are so coincidental or...?

hard to believe that it made you wonder about or put faith in a higher power? Like a near death experience for example, or some really simple shocker coincidence that just so happened to occur 2,3 or more times in one day?

Or for another example say you're busy, you're cooking or cleaning and at the same time your mind is dwelling on something you don't fully understand. It doesn't have to be something serious you're not thinking hard about it or anything, it just so happens to be on your mind subconsciously while you're doing your business(but it CAN be serious if that's what occurred in your own experience). At the same time you're also listening to the radio. And all of a sudden before you know it a brand new JUST released song plays that you never heard before, and mentions a word or sentence that answered the question your mind was trying to piece together. And that experience made you for some reason feel like some unknown spiritual force is guiding you or trying to tell you something.

****It doesn't matter how tiny your situation is or how long ago it was(in fact the older the better), I'm working on a certain project and need as many different examples as possible.

****Even if you found a different explanation for what you experienced I would still like to hear your story. It's the coincidence that I really wanna hear about and how it made you feel and react.


Favorite Answer

Last April I got laid off from an aircraft manufacturer.

A week before I got a sensitive confidential email mistakenly sent to me about hundreds of aircraft sales being worked on behind the scenes. If I had told about it, the sender would have lost her job.

I took it as a sign to enjoy my summer off. I expected to be called back in September.

Sept. came and nothing. I was a bit shocked, but not too worried. I looked at my options and went back to school.

Jan. I finished, and couldn't look for a job until I had a certain government license. They gave me such a runaround, I couldn't get the card until another month went by.

I volunteered at a company I was thinking about applying to, and walked away after a week. I applied at another company and they hired me. My start date was supposed to be March 25th.

Two days ago I got a recall letter from the company I got laid off from. My restart date?

March 25th.

I had to call the new company and thankfully decline the offer of employment.
So I took a year off, got some free education, and touched many people's lives on the journey, I never would have met otherwise.

I'm in my 50th year. A year of 'jubilee' according to scripture. Seven sevens is 49. The 50th year is a year of celebration. I've been working since I was a teenager and I needed a rest.

Coincidences are little miracles where God prefers to remain anonymous.

The moral is that you'll never know how much God is using you until this is all over.


There is so often a synchronized symmetry to events in my life that I don't even believe in such thing as "coincidence" . Not that such shouldn't seem enough to be a no brainer in a completely relative universe and existence. Thing is a relative universe and existence relate by "relationship", not random coincidence. You are beginning to notice something that exists in literally, everything. Sooner or later you will notice it does. Yea, He's really there(God), as you likely already know well enough. Just sometimes those synchronized events( seemed remarkable coincidences) don't line up so well with what is true, because they were first introduced somewhere by something that was false. Its still all relative, though. Its not a coincidence. Its deliberate, and there's more of it than you even know. The more you see of scripture and how it functions with that synchronized symmetry of events, the more interesting it gets. If you don't believe in Jesus Christ yet, when that happens, and there's not something false about it, say hi to the angels for me, because they are right there with you. Say it, say "Grant says, hi". Its a game I like to play with them, they're my friends. Listen to them in what they show you, sometimes they are protecting you from danger, though often they are just helping you see and learn things. They're really there. too. You'll find yourself just sort of realizing things you never quite saw before, things that really free you up from things that have made life difficult for you.. Such things will be instrumental as you go along learning more in life. When you get born of God through Jesus Christ which is going to happen in your life if it hasn't yet, for sure. God shows you things in more direct ways, and the angels can go help someone else like they did, you. Make their job easy if you can, as I am trying to do, if you listen to me at all, which you probably will, at least eventually you definitely will. If you are already born of God, than its God, Himself, showing you things. Talk to God a lot, tell Him you thoughts, your concerns, what you want to know. It strengthens it all for you to see more. s you see and learn more of the truth of "How" God does things and "how" to "relate" with Him in it, the more Awesome it gets. You are truly and really one of those people that can see a lot. It can even get to a point you can perceive future events by the relationships of things you are at least beginning to see. It just keeps getting bigger. You can be a very powerful person if you you go far enough with it all. I'm very thankful to God someone like you even exists. Always try to keep your thinking"positive" in expectation. Think the best can and will happen for you, and act on it. Always do that, it helps. Live the best you can according to what you know of what is true. Don't allow yourself to easily be discouraged, no matter what might go wrong, or whatever you even do wrong, even if it has bad results. God is not punishing you for the stuff you do wrong. That's coming from other things mostly. Just keep learning, and keep it positive. God is no where near as concerned for what goes wrong as much as what can and will go right. You should be focused on that, too. God bless you my sibling, and may Mercy chase you down all the days of your life to subdue you in peace by a loving embrace, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, my lord, my breath.
.I really do know that much about where yo are headed in life, just by what you said. I can really know stuff like that, and at least eventually, so will you. Not that people won't likely thumb me down for it, but when you get to it, the "speaking in tongues" thing is genuinely important to your life. Its what will turn all the bells and whistles on to show you the most. Its seems weird, but learn about it and do it anyway. It wouldn't even matter if you were trying to be an atheist troll with this question, your a believer, at least you are go to be. You could never say the things you just said in the details you did, if I'm not right about where you will be in life, even if some of it already has.. Do your best to hear me out how things apply to you in coming events, it will help you. In the details of your question you are showing things that can only be the results of God's angels influence, or The Holy Spirits direct influence upon your thinking. Each would conclude a certain direction of things for you that is definite will happen. You're not just gong to be a "Christian", you are going to be a particularly powerful one in spiritual matters. You'll evidence certain abilities before you ever even completely learn about them or would normally have them. Remember, The rules exist for the means of full sharing relationship, not limitations.