Well, the first sign is when I get the thumbs-down for saying something heretical. That's usually how it works round here - assault or question somebody's cherished beliefs, and especially if you do it thoughtfully and with style, and the gut response is to hit the thumbs-down button.
But I just hope I've planted that little seed of doubt and the beginnings of independent thought in a few people... that's usually the response you can't see and can't quantify after getting thumbs-downed.
it extremely is taken into consideration one of those questions the Bible would not supply us the answer to. What we do understand is, God would not make robotic creatures or beings that haven't any thinking suggestions of their own. The angels curiously all had loose will, This one particular lifted himself up in satisfaction, and rebelled against God, taking lots of the different angels with him. human beings assume that because of the fact God has the foreknowledge of this occurring, that He would not have created him or those rebelling angels. Our assumption is incorrect. What we do understand is that one and all issues have been made by ability of Him, and for Him, to the top that he would be glorified. We won't see the full photograph yet, yet God shows His glory in saving guy.