Looking for heat-tolerant pole peas or beans with showy blooms?

I was going to use scarlet runner beans, but just found out they don't like heat
(it hits the upper 90s pretty regularly in the summer here, sometmes in the 100s)

Also, I'm interested any other heat and humidity tolerant vegetables with ornamental qualities to kind of make front yard veggie garden look prettier
(It's too shady in the backyard to grow veggies)


...other heat-tolerant ornamental veggies besides sunflowers


Favorite Answer

It gets in the 90's fairly regularly here, too, occasionally hits 100. I grow scarlet runner beans, and they don't seem to have any trouble with the heat. They bring in the hummingbirds, as well as being pretty!

The spicy peppers that hold their fruit upside down on the top of the plant are pretty as well as heat tolerant (heat loving, really) - like Thai Peppers. Sweet potatoes love the heat too. And they will give me lavender flowers (though mostly leaves).


Regarding scarlet runner beans,I am very surprised that they are not heat tolerant.You would not know until you tried it yourself.If you pick the green beans when they are small,your plants will do better,and the beans are very delicious. There two other plants that I am sure you would enjoy,and they both can be heat tolerant and very beautiful.They are Asian winged bean and hyacinth bean.Order a catalog from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds(rareseeds.com).They are on page 19 of the catalog.


No. it extremely is what the hot black panthers feels like. provide up being and *** and generalizing. It offends human beings like me that are liberal, yet merely might think of that issues like this are incorrect too.