I hate crying and i just broke down today?

okay so today was horrible. I cried for the first time in over a year. So i have a lot going on: drama, family problems, trying to hide an eating disorder, stressed about grades, etc. and this teacher always treats me bad and unfairly. it pisses me off because ik that if i play his game he'll eventually win.

anyways he yelled at me and said he was gonna take me to the dean blah blah blah. and i left before he gave me the slip .. anyways a few min later i started crying. idk why and i just feel horrible rn and sad and ugh whats happening?! i hate being emotianal. i hate people bombarding me with questions. i just want a meaningful hug but everyones so fake and ugh idk i need help. how do i not cry ever again? how do i stop feeling sad?


Favorite Answer

It's called OVERWHELMED! The only thing you need to remember, it's temporary, not eternal and can all be worked out. I assume your eating disorder is why your grades are slipping? Fix it and if you can't, get help. Stress at home with family can be the reason you're not doing well. Drama with them, you need a break from all of it just ignore it. Friends? Well, you can't change people, so just ignore them if they have attitudes. Ashamed of crying? Why, it's only human! It's your mind relieving the stress your body built up over everything. Teacher? Smile in his face and just do your work and he'll have nothing to say to you. Good luck


i'm sorry you feel that way but sometimes it's better to let it all out. If you hold feelings in it just really hurts you deep down inside.