Are we going to war with Syria now? Do you support that?

It sounds like chemical weapons may have been used in Syria. Obama said that is the "red line." They are trying to gather evidence. If the evidence proves Assad gassed his own citizens, then the red line was crossed, and we will have to respond. The military doesn't just walk in an secure the weapons stockpiles. It will be war to go in and get them.


Assad and his WMD's, along with his alliance with Iran and Hezbollah, pose a major threat to Israel. He has already tried to transfer weapons to Lebanon, and Israel was forced to take action. If Hezbollah gets the chemical weapons, they will surely threaten Israel with them. If we are really committed to Israel's security, we need to do what it takes to help.

El Tecolote2013-03-20T16:35:01Z

Favorite Answer

I'm all for it. I love watching liberals' heads explode as they try to explain away their double standards.


I doubt it.

It's starting to look to me like the rebels got hold of a chemical like chlorine..... released a barrel of it into the air...... killed a couple dozen people..... and then shouted to the world "look what Assad did!!"

Honestly..... if Assad was going to take that step..... and considering he is supposed to have a large stockpile that includes Sarin.... why in the world would he shoot ONE missile with the lowest grade chemical weapon available to him on board??

If you were going to face all the repercussions from the rest of the world for doing that...... wouldn't you hit the rebels as hard as you could??

I think you would.


It relies upon upon what you bear in recommendations "liberal" ... That identify has had it somewhat is which potential swapped out with the definition of "motherf***er" and in actuality that ninety 8% of the Democratic party isn't liberal and particular does not additionally be attentive to what "liberal" is. yet i'm now no longer a Democrat. i'm an independent. besides the fact that i anticipate i'm a "liberal" ... So ... i do in comparison to Obama, he's a lot like George Bush and that i do no longer think of policing different countries is regardless of we as a rustic could be doing. that's what the UN is for, and in the event that they are able to't do it effectively then it somewhat is there capture 22 concern. yet each and every time I say some element like this the Democrats call me a "winger" or say regardless of like sarcastic like "Nader 2012". you have gotten greater in difficulty-unfastened with the Democrats than you think of. ;-)


If we go to war with another country I will be downtown every day I am not working or going to school to peacefully but vigorously protest.


Hopefully not . No , I do not support the US going to war there .

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