Why do i get so much **** for ordering steaks well done?

Seriously i go to a steakhouse with some buds i i order my steak well done and they all laugh, whats the big deal?


I am not afraid of blood, i just think the steak taste better well done, who cares?


Favorite Answer

Well, think about it. If you ask for steak well done, you are asking the chef to remove the flavor. In other words, you don't actually like the taste of red meat, so why order it? Just order something you *do* like.


that is what I order when I have a steak but we are eating and paying for it so we should have it they way we like it right? I usually don't anything negative from the servers.


The steak will be dried out and tougher to eat!

Try it medium well, it will be more moist, and not as tough to chew.

I prefer mine Medium rare, plus ( "to the rare side of medium")

woo k2013-03-23T01:43:58Z

it depends on what cut of the steak you ordered. if you ordered a filet mignon and ordered it cooked anything more than medium rare, you killed it again. if you ordered a flat iron, and ordered it more than medium rare you killed it again. if you ordered ribeye/porterhouse more than medium, you killed it, and if you ordered a sirloin and cooked it more than medium, you are basically eating a beef jerky.


I am not given you any crap, but please try a medium rare steak just once. I had one a my friends bachelor party and was converted.

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