Who else has a one-eyed cat or dog? To suture or not?

I have a cat named Dewey,he is almost 2 years old. He was born missing an eye. My vet said it was not necessary to have the socket sutured shut unless it caused problems. Well,other than getting a little runny now and then,it does not bother him. But my own cousin called me cruel because I have not had it sewn shut. I told her what the vet said and I even joined a group on FB and most of the people on it left their cats' eye sockets open. Dewey is normal is every way, loves to play and watch TV with his good eye.I don't want to put him through unnecessary surgery. He has already been neutered and is happy.

So if you own a one-eyed pet,did you have the socket sutured or is it open? Would you recommend surgery or not? Thanks in advance.


It doesn't bother me,and he doesn't keep it completely opened so it doesn't look ugly or anything.


Favorite Answer

We have a cat that we found that has no eyes, and she gets along just fine, never even thought about suturing shut. Here a photo

Hi my name is: ANIMAL2013-03-24T21:43:28Z

I have had 2 one eyed cats. One lost his eye to cancer and the other in a fight when he got out.

I did not have either sutured shut since it was pointless and the vet said it would only be for cosmetic reasons.

I think if doing something doesn't benefit the health of the pet don't do it.

It is your cat it doesn't matter what your cousin says. My cousin says I am cruel for having my pets spayed and neutered but that doesn't mean she is right.


I had a dog that lost an eye due to glaucoma. We had the eye removed and the socket sewn shut (she was already having surgery, so it wasn't a special surgery). To me it would be a little creepy to see an open eye socket, but that's me. If it doesn't bother you and doesn't bother him, then leave it. If he wasn't already neutered, I'd say do it then.


it ought to be a conjunctivitis, it may additionally be allergies. And sure, presently turning on the furnace could be an argument. (stirs up lots of dirt and mites) you should call the vet and run it by way of them, mostlikely they might help be attentive to if its no longer a yellow/eco-friendly discharge its no longer an infection. Are they bothered by way of the crusties? Do they rub the faces? unhappy in any way? i could only call and communicate over with somebody.