How would you pronounce "Kratos"?

My friend has been arguing how I pronounce Kratos saying I should say "Krah-tos" instead of "Kray-tos". I only say Kray-tos because I grew up with god of war and he says Krah-tos because he grew up with Tales of Symphonia. I honestly didn't really care how he pronounced Kratos but he is so mad everytime I say Kray-tos instead of Krah-tos. I feel like it doesn't matter how you pronounce the names for either characters. The same thing applies with almost all fictional characters such as Raiden (Ray-den or Rye-den) Rouge (Rrooje or Roh-guh) and other characters. Am I being absent minded or is my friend just over reacting?


Favorite Answer

Tales of Symphonia is a Japanese-made game that takes a lot of their name-roots from Norse and their own culture. God of War is based off the Greek. I've played both, and in cut scenes the ToS Kratos is indeed "Krah-tos" while God of War has your pronunciation. It's not that one of you is right or wrong, it's just two different cultures say it differently. The stereotypical "toe-mae-toe, toe-mah-toe" saying applies.


Kratos Pronunciation

Diego Juan Carlos Roberto Julio Sanchez2013-03-24T22:54:37Z


Also, Its like Ninja GAIDEN, not sure if Gay-den or Guy-den.


Was about to post this question too this afternoon

Troy F2013-03-24T22:21:46Z

They're overreacting