How to remove rust from white baseball cap (that has some red piping)?

The idiots who designed a Sergio Tacchini baseball cap used base metal for the two vent circles. Hence, when the baseball cap got wet, it left rust stains.

I can't just bleach the whole thing because it has some red in the hat too. Any product that removes rust stains? Also, the cheap red they used bled a little. Anything to help that?

Yeah, I know.... I should just toss the cap in the garbage, but the damage is minimal. With a little work it can look pretty good.


Favorite Answer

Two options: #1 pour rubbing alcohol onto the stain - see if it will remove the stain-let it set and repeat.

#2 Cut a lemon in half and soak the rust stain with the juice from the lemon - then rub in some salt and let it set for a few minutes- then take it outside and leave it in the sun until all the juice is dried up-you may have to repeat this several times.
I know it sounds crazy but it does work on my camping tents. It takes 3 times for the tents but I don't know if it will work on your cover...sorry I forget not to use military terms sometimes I don't know if it will work on your cap I meant.


White Ball Caps


You could try dampening the rust stain
Sprinkle salt on it then lemon juice
And put it in the sun to dry
If this does,nt work ?
Yeah toss the cap