Are there any knowledgeable Republicans when it comes to the female?

reproductive system? A Lawyer arguing in front of the Supreme Court being totally uninformed re. this issue is astounding - or is he looking for himself and his male friends to find an excuse to ditch their aging wives when no longer able to bear children and go fetch a younger one?
Have these guys ever had any well rounded education at all? I wonder.


MALE Republicans I meant to say. They sure have come up with Fairy Tales.


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The same people who said women had a natural mechanism for shutting the body down during rape? And slavery was a disguise for African Americans?

Generalizing is not a good thing - but proportionately speaking, Republicans are obviously a lot less educated.

Actually, that's not true - they might be highly educated with the Bible (however they don't seem to understand sympathy and forgiveness and helping the poor that Jesus taught), but when it comes to the sciences and logic...Lord help them.


No They Have None

Republicans believe women are second rate citizen who don't have the intelligence to take care of their own bodies. I personally think it Mid-Evil conservative ideology at it's best resistant to change which has no place in the social development of the human race/modern world.

I swear the republicans are working right out of the Al-qaeda hand book when it comes to women.

Hillary Clinton 2016 All the way


While I know more about women than I care to, I'd be a fool to say that I know everything because if I did she'd do or become just the opposite of what I know just to prove me wrong.

-I like to keep it simple; 1) pick my underwear up off the floor. 2) rinse off dishes after I use them and before I put them in the dishwasher and 3) when I ask if something is wrong and she says "nothing!" I mount myself on a chair and prepare for a long drama session.

NO man can know enough about a woman's productive system to speak of it.....according to a woman.


Did you just describe Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia ?


No, the Republicans are totally ignorant. They think the female body shuts down in the case of "legitimate rape," and that pregnancy cannot occur. There are other Republicans, though, who think that a child produced by a rape is a "gift from God." The Republicans talk like morons (because that is what they are), and they cannot understand why they are defeated in elections.

Republicans have been hanging out with the Bible-thumping, tambourine-banging, cymbal-clanging religious nuts, and their lack of education is showing.

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