NFL QB's values...?

With the monster deals of Romo and Flacco and the outrage that followed I come to think of a simple question, what should in your opinion be the wage of NFL QB's, how much should Romo get, how much should Flacco get, Rodgers, Brees and so fourth per year?

My salary picks -
Rodgers 25M
Brady 22M
P. Manning 21M
Brees 20M
Ryan 18M
E. Manning 18M
Romo 17.5M
Roetlisberger 17.5M
Schaub 16M
Rivers 14M
Stafford 14M
Flacco 13M
Cutler 10.5M
A. Smith 10M
Bradford 7M
Sanchez 3M


Favorite Answer

nfl contracts arent averages. vet contracts are made to be restructured. players never see 1/8th of any of their contracts. the teams back-load contracts so that they appear to be much bigger than they are as far as guaranteed money goes. incentives/bonuses add up to over 50% of the total contract involved. those are fairly consistent however in terms of averages. after about 2-4 years, the parts where they would make $20-40 per year is negated by new contracts that are bigger, but again back loaded because contracts, unless youre as stupid as the jets arent binding. thats how the nfl gets away with cutting players and not getting bankrupt like most baseball and basketball teams do. its not a hard concept to get. hell, any retard who has played madden has seen how it works.


If an average QB with no SB like Tony Romo still has $18M/year contract then a single-ring QB such Aaron, Joe, Peyton, Drew, ... should have more than that, said, $20M/year. Eli and Ben should have $40M/year and Brady should earn $60M/year. LOL :D


You must be rating on stats alone. Eli, has one more ring than, all of the qb's above Him except Brady and, Ryan, whom He has 2 more than.


they should all get paid lesss.....xcept cutler he should get paid slightly more