Why are republicans anti abortion when banning abortion does more harm than good?

Banning abortion does more harm than good. Every year tens of thousands of women die from unsafe abortions. In 33 countries where abortion is illegal 68,000 women die by having unsafe abortions. These women that die could have done something good for society and they could have gave birth to a child later on. Another problem with banning abortion is that unwanted children have a good chance of becoming criminals. Republicans need to stop being anti women and start caring about women's lives more than fetuses. There's going to be lots of babies born even if abortion is completely legal. Therefore abortion should be completely legal and available for women.
Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legalized_abortion_and_crime_effect


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I presume they believe that the law could be enforce so there would be a dramatic fall in the number of abortions. We now have an abortion pill which should change the nature of the debate. it is clear laws baning abortion would be no more effective that the ones banning marijuana, but the death rate from illegal abortions will be less.


We have different definitions of what HARM means.

In the USA, we had 1.3 MILLION abortions last year.

To me, the death of 1.3 Million Babies, is much more HARM than the deaths of 68,000 women who died while trying to kill their unborn babies.

1,300,000 babies vs. 68,000 women? Simple math to me.

If we didn't have abortion, then we'd have 1.3 Million more wonderful children in the world, and without abortion, those 68,000 women would not have died if they just did what comes Naturally from having sex.....have the kid.

So, I just showed you an even better option than the one you offer that does LESS HARM....no legal abortion, no illegal abortion and LESS life is lost all the way around.

But, you really aren't worried about saving lives are you? That is not he goal, just like with gun control.

If you were all about saving lives, we have the National Guard march through South Chicago, NYC, LA, Detroit, Atlanta in all those Neighborhoods that MOST of the killing is going on and go door to door collecting Illegal Weapons and Known Criminals.

That's what we'd do if you really cared about ending HARM.

It's not what the left is after, though.

Bryan Torrence2013-04-01T13:01:06Z

Sure ! Give people an incentive to behave irresponsibly and if they are with child, thats ok they can just abort right ? Any ethical doctor I would think would be completely against that sort of thing if they were serious about their hipocratic oath. That certainly WONT give anyone any incentive to want to go into a profession of that nature, niether will Obama care for that matter. But hey, I guess the ultimate motive of the democratic party is to dictate our every action, and in order to fulufill the needs of the medical community, that may just mean picking your profession for you IF they think you have the aptitude and stomach to be a doctor, even though maybe U dont wanna be a doctor. My point being, every concession democrats want to make for the supporters is simply an effort to obtain the vote. Now after they get that vote, just like with same sex marriage, lets see if they will still fulfill their commitment to the loyalist that put them in office. Just a thought. You have to pick the lesser of two evils.


If you believe abortion is a murder, then there is no compromise you can make in your own mind that makes it permissible. People who think it is murder often also believe that it is an especially heinous crime that victimizes a helpless innocent victim.

I am conservative, and mostly vote for Republicans, and I believe that abortion needs to remain legal. I think you'll find that a majority of Republicans think as I do. I don't, however, see what is so hard to understand about the positions of people who want the practice banned. Disagreeing with someone doesn't have to mean that you get to demonize them for their beliefs.


The amusing thing to me is the way they use "Banning guns will not solve anything!" as an argument but don't see the parallel with abortion.

But I agree with others who say that is not true of all Republicans, only the right wing fringe.

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