Teen Survey! :D :D :D?

1. How old are you?
2. Boy/girl?
3. Do you like rollar coasters?
4. What is your favorite song right now?
5. What do you like in a guy/girl?
6. Do you prefer blondes, brunettes, or reds?
7. What is your #1 turnoff in a guy/girl?
8. Who inspires you the most?
9. What is your favorite thing to wear to school?
10. What is your favorite thing to wear to the mall/out with friends?
11. What is your favorite thing to wear at home?
12. Do you want kids when you're older?
13. How many?
14. What will you name them? (Don't say idk, make them up)
15. What grade are you in?
16. Do you like school?
17. Are you "popular"? Why/ why not?
18. What color hair do you have?
19. If you could change your name to anything, what would it be?
20. Do you have a YouTube channel?
21. If yes, what do you do with it? If no, why not?
22. Are you in a relationship? Happy with it? How long?
23. What do you think about 11 and 12 year olds dating that young?
24. What is your biggest pet peeve?
25. What do you wish you could change about this generation's children (8 to 13ish)
26. Will you star this for me?

1. How old are you?
2. Boy/girl?
3. Do you like rollar coasters?
I've only been on a few at Michigan Adventures, but from what I've ridden, yes!
4. What is your favorite song right now?
Oh gosh.. Probably Teen Idle by Marina And The Diamonds.
5. What do you like in a guy/girl?
I like someone who's funny, caring, romantic, spontaneous... Someone who's my boyfriend right now! xD
6. Do you prefer blondes, brunettes, or reds?
Brunettes, for sure!
7. What is your #1 turnoff in a guy/girl?
When they're a narcissist.
8. Who inspires you the most?
My Language Arts Teacher. :D
9. What is your favorite thing to wear to school?
My army boots :D
10. What is your favorite thing to wear to the mall/out with friends?
My polar bear hat. C:
11. What is your favorite thing to wear at home?
I have the comfiest pajama pants in the world that I love to wear.. They're zebra striped w/ stars. :D
12. Do you want kids when you're older?
I sure do!
13. How many?
Well, 2 or 3. But definitely not 1.
14. What will you name them? (Don't say idk, make them up)
I'd love a daughter named Pyper and a son named Isaac.
15. What grade are you in?
I am in the 8th Grade.
16. Do you like school?
Somewhat. Not a lot, but I don't hate it.
17. Are you "popular"? Why/ why not?
I don't really know. I mean, I'm friends with a large variety of people. I'm not sure if you'd call me popular though.
18. What color hair do you have?
Black at the moment. I've been through alot though. Dark brown, auburn, bright red, blonde, orange, blue...
19. If you could change your name to anything, what would it be?
20. Do you have a YouTube channel?
Yes, I do!
21. If yes, what do you do with it? If no, why not?
I just make random videos. Haven't made one in a while. Lack of motivation, and I'm waiting to save up for a good camera.
22. Are you in a relationship? Happy with it? How long?
Yes I am! I am quite happy with it actually. I've been dating Baylee Ryan Evans for almost 4 months now. 12-8-12. <3
23. What do you think about 11 and 12 year olds dating that young?
Well, as long as they aren't too serious and have parental permission, I say go ahead!
24. What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people lie or bully. >.<
25. What do you wish you could change about this generation's children (8 to 13ish)?
Get off the computer, and have fun with your friends!
26. Will you star this for me?
Pretty please? C:


Favorite Answer

1. 15
2. Girl
3. Yeah
4. Build God, Then We'll Talk - Panic! At the Disco
5. Smart, nice, funny! easy to talk to.
6. Brunettes and reds
7. Thinks they have swag
8. Don't know
9. Cardigans
10. Cardigans
11. Yoga pants
12. Not really.
13. 2, if any.
14. Girl: Amelia Boy: Eion or Cole
15. 9th
16. I like learning, other than that, no.
17. Psh. No, I'm really quiet.
18. Light brownish blonde
19. Amelia or Annmarie
20. No, just an account, yes there is a difference
21. No
22. No
23. I agree with you.
24. When people crave attention.
25. Stop thinking you have swag and stop acting like a douche.
26. No


1. How old are you? 14
2. Boy/girl? Boy
3. Do you like rollar coasters? No
4. What is your favorite song right now? California Uber Alles
5. What do you like in a guy/girl? Funny
6. Do you prefer blondes, brunettes, or reds? Brunettes
7. What is your #1 turnoff in a guy/girl? Too clingy
8. Who inspires you the most? Justin Sane
9. What is your favorite thing to wear to school? Clothes?
10. What is your favorite thing to wear to the mall/out with friends? Look above
11. What is your favorite thing to wear at home? Look 2 answers above
12. Do you want kids when you're older? No
13. How many? 0
14. What will you name them? (Don't say idk, make them up) Look above
15. What grade are you in? 8
16. Do you like school? Yeah
17. Are you "popular"? Why/ why not? No, how the hell should I know?
18. What color hair do you have? Black
19. If you could change your name to anything, what would it be? I like my name
20. Do you have a YouTube channel? Yeah
21. If yes, what do you do with it? If no, why not? Watch videos
22. Are you in a relationship? Happy with it? How long? No
23. What do you think about 11 and 12 year olds dating that young? It's sad
24. What is your biggest pet peeve? Slow walkers
25. What do you wish you could change about this generation's children (8 to 13ish) Better taste in music
26. Will you star this for me? No


1. How old are you? - 17
2. Boy/girl? - Boy
3. Do you like rollar coasters? - Yes
4. What is your favorite song right now? - Man with a mission by Bad Religion
5. What do you like in a guy/girl? - i like good personality in a girl
6. Do you prefer blondes, brunettes, or reds? - don't really matter
7. What is your #1 turnoff in a guy/girl? - snobby
9. What is your favorite thing to wear to school? - Clothes
10. What is your favorite thing to wear to the mall/out with friends? - never go to mall
11. What is your favorite thing to wear at home? - ball shorts and shirt
12. Do you want kids when you're older? - no
13. How many? - 0
14. What will you name them? (Don't say idk, make them up) - 0
15. What grade are you in? - 10
16. Do you like school? - no
17. Are you "popular"? Why/ why not? - no,socially ankward.
18. What color hair do you have? - dark brown
19. If you could change your name to anything, what would it be? - lars
20. Do you have a YouTube channel? - yes
21. If yes, what do you do with it? If no, why not? - watch videos and comment on videos
22. Are you in a relationship? Happy with it? How long? - no
23. What do you think about 11 and 12 year olds dating that young? - ridiculous
24. What is your biggest pet peeve? - liars
25. What do you wish you could change about this generation's children (8 to 13ish) - bullying
26. Will you star this for me? - yes


1. How old are you? 16.
2. Boy/girl? Girl.
3. Do you like rollar coasters? Yeah.
4. What is your favorite song right now? IFHY- Tyler the creator
5. What do you like in a guy/girl? Humour, original, interesting, smile
6. Do you prefer blondes, brunettes, or reds? I don't prefer any, but in a guy brunette
7. What is your #1 turnoff in a guy/girl? Go along with the crowd
8. Who inspires you the most? Not sure
9. What is your favorite thing to wear to school? I live in UK you have to wear uniform
10. What is your favorite thing to wear to the mall/out with friends? Skinny jeans and something nice idk
11. What is your favorite thing to wear at home? Onesie
12. Do you want kids when you're older? Not at the minute
13. How many? If I did I'd have 1/2
14. What will you name them? (Don't say idk, make them up) Earl, Blue
15. What grade are you in? I'm in year 11
16. Do you like school? Not really but you have to go
17. Are you "popular"? Why/ why not? I have people that like me, I don't know
18. What color hair do you have? Brown
19. If you could change your name to anything, what would it be? I like my name
20. Do you have a YouTube channel? No
21. If yes, what do you do with it? If no, why not? What
22. Are you in a relationship? Happy with it? How long? No I'm not
23. What do you think about 11 and 12 year olds dating that young? Do what they like
24. What is your biggest pet peeve? Noisy eaters
25. What do you wish you could change about this generation's children (8 to 13ish) I don't know
26. Will you star this for me? No


1. How old are you?

2. Boy/girl?

3. Do you like rollar coasters?
~They're okay.

4. What is your favorite song right now?
~Don't really have one right now.

5. What do you like in a guy/girl?

6. Do you prefer blondes, brunettes, or reds?
~Brunettes. We're awesome. I really think redhead is pretty though.

7. What is your #1 turnoff in a guy/girl?
~Bad hygiene.

8. Who inspires you the most?
~World travellers.

9. What is your favorite thing to wear to school?
~Not in school

10. What is your favorite thing to wear to the mall/out with friends?
~Whatever I feel like wearing

11. What is your favorite thing to wear at home?
~Something comfy

12. Do you want kids when you're older?

13. How many?
~4 at most.

14. What will you name them? (Don't say idk, make them up)
~Autumn for a girl, and I don't know for a guy, sorry.

15. What grade are you in?

16. Do you like school?
~Hated it

17. Are you "popular"? Why/ why not?
~I don't care honestly

18. What color hair do you have?

19. If you could change your name to anything, what would it be?

20. Do you have a YouTube channel?

21. If yes, what do you do with it? If no, why not?
~It's just to post comments and save videos I wanna watch later lol

22. Are you in a relationship? Happy with it? How long?
~Yes, yes, 3 years so far

23. What do you think about 11 and 12 year olds dating that young?
~Only if it's small things it's okay.

24. What is your biggest pet peeve?
~People who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom.

25. What do you wish you could change about this generation's children (8 to 13ish)

26. Will you star this for me?
~No, I don't star if someone tells me to lol

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