Can schools force me to take off Hindu swastikas?

Legally, can schools remove religious symbols just because some others interpret these symbols differently?

If that's the case, I'll tell some of my black friends to say crosses remind them of the KKK.

Back in the 60's, there was that supreme court case about wearing Vietnam War protest armbands. It has become clear that free speech is taken away in school when it becomes a significant distraction. If I am distracting, that's just fine, I'll cover it up. But if I am causing little to no distraction, can they make me take it off?


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Schools are allowed to set their dress codes in many jurisdiction you aren't allowed any form of expression even a smiley face is verboten.


yes, read your school handbook. Anything that distracts can be forced to be cut, removed or covered up. Is it legal, no if you are an adult as it would be your first amendment right. since you are child, in a government institution ( public school) you have almost no rights except to get a poor education, provided you work hard at it, the right to not be taught the truth, to be lied to or only given half the truth as long as it fits in with the teachers political views and that of the school board and state.
Welcome to America where education over the last 40 years has been dumbed down so less intelligent or studious students won't be made to feel dumb because they don't or won't work at learning. The intelligent liberals who run the schools decided it was easier and better to provide everyone with a poor education in the name of equality rather than try to bring the under achievers up in their school work and still provide a good education for those who could and would work at getting a good education.


Yes, they can.

The Supreme Court has ruled that schools are allowed to limit your free speech rights by banning symbols and speech that is offensive to other students and causes a disturbance in the school. Swastikas do cause disturbances in schools, and you are not going to be able to convince either your principal, the school board, or a Judge that they do not.


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If you are Hindu its freedom of religion. If you are not it's conspiracy to riot. But if your school's policies say that anything that causes extreme discord may be prohibited so that order may be kept, like gang symbols, they can claim that most people would see the Hindu cross as a Swastika, even if it isn't.

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