Do you think that Easter has become too much about the candy/gifts and not enough about?

the religious significance? I saw how much a mother bought for her 9-yr old and I was appalled.


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I agree that Easter has become more about the candy and gifts and less about the religious meaning of Easter. The same is true with Christmas. It is really sad. There are still those of us who make the effort to make sure that we focus on the real meaning of Easter and Christmas. I wish everyone did. Seems like God and faith are becoming less important and even cut out in people's lives and in our nation's life.


Yes, i do believe it has. But that's just like Christmas as well. People seem to turn away from the religious aspects of these holidays and becoming more engrossed in the whole greedy aspect of them of getting presents or candy and become super stressed over giving presents and such and that's not the whole point...


Not at my home. We had church from 7:30 a.m. till 10:30 a.m. with breakfast in the middle. Then dinner with just 4 of my family. Oh! I did buy some candy for a centerpiece on the dining table'.


Yes, its been totally commercialized. The same with Christmas. Certain people want to have the Christian elements of these holidays removed from schools and public places. They are fine with commercial part of it which is ridiculous. How can you hijack a religious holiday and just use the non religious part so everyone can participate?


SOME families stress religion, but God is slowly dying.

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