Why is the government involved in who we marry?

That is what concerns me. Since when did our elected officials become a factor in how a household is set-up? I dont believe in gay marriage......big whoop. I live my life, you live yours. What i dont like is the supreme court getting involved. The state and the feds should stay out of this, its none of their bussiness.


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It's anti gay marriage side that brought it to the Supreme Court. They want California to enforce Proposition 8 the anti gay marriage ballot measure that passed in 2008 The California Supreme Court ruled that Proposition 8 is unlawful. The backers of Proposition 8 appealed this decision and lost again. That's why it's now before the U.S. Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is probably going to decide that it's not their business to judge this case. If that happens it will automatically legalize gay marriage in California. But only in California. They would prefer to just allow it in California than make a broad ruling allowing it everywhere. The Supreme Court Justices would never live that down.


You blame the government for being far too intrusive in other people's lives, and yet you wish to deny others the right to marry. Hypocrite.