Sign Petition to pardon Jack Johnson (plus question)?

mike tyson is starting a petition to get a presidential pardon for jack johnson who was sentenced to prison in 1913 under the mann act.

now for the question...
100 years on, why wasn't johnson pardoned already?

Sean G2013-04-04T01:13:57Z

Favorite Answer

A) Some people are racist and think its wrong for black men and white women to be together. My wife and I get looks sometime.
B) Some might say that was the law they should've followed it.
C) Others may say, that was 100 years ago...who was Jack Johnson? Why should we care? Dont we have better more relevant things to do? He is did, right?

I will absolutely sign!


The US has a ugly racial past, even with de jure racism off the book, de facto racism still exist. The idea of a black man openly with white women still scares many a old white man. Interracial relationships, still taboo in many place of America.