Should I break up with flirting boyfriend?

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year.
The first month of our relationship he was talking to an ex, very flirtatious. Im not sure if they hooked up.
He claimed his friend did it(yeah right)
Then I saw a picture of them kissing.
I called her she said it was old.
Then he left me two days after Valentines day. It was suppose to be our Valentines day.
I was pregnant. He didnt know. I lost the baby.
He came back.
Claims he needed a week to see if he really loved me.
Now hes flirting with what it looks like every girl he comes in contact with.
He even asked one if he could join her in bed.
They also send hearts,

What should I do?


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The first thing you should do is kick him in the nuts. Then, tell him to get lost!


The last time I asked a girl for 2 weeks off. It was because I met somebody else and wanted to see if it would work out.

If it was my girlfriend doing that i'd be going mental. Don't let him make a fool of you.


Dump him immediately, get him out of your life. I'm sorry it's harsh, and it'll be hard as you've been with him so long, but can you really, honestly see a future with him? He'll leave you as soon as you're pregnant, and until then he'll flirt constantly, then lie about it. Please get out of it now, the sooner the better. Then you can start properly living your life, without him.

Good luck, it's for the best, trust me.


He's flirting with other girls. That's a no-brainer, talk to him and tell him its bothering you. If he continues doing it, dump him. Clearly, he has no respect for you OR your feelings. Be with someone who respects you. Anyone who respects would never do something to hurt you. And if that means NOT flirting with girls, then so be it.


Break up with him. It will hurt and I know that you think he can change, but he won't. We are seeing things that you can't see because You love him so much. Believe me, the sooner, the better.

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