WHY do Tea Partiers compare most everything to sex with animals?

How did these folks grow up? Did all of them romp in the barn with animals while the rest of us went exploring the other gender? Puzzled.


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cons really show their mindless hatred when they compare being gay to having sex with animals.

Riddle me this2013-04-04T22:53:15Z

Not everything. Just gay marriage, and there is a reason. Both were considered taboo and unthinkable 50 years ago, both have been accepted by various societies at some point in history, both are the question of whether they should be illegal just because they are 'gross' or 'immoral', and both could be argued that people who particapte are 'born that way' (See: Schizoid Personality disorder, which isn't itself bestiality but could easily be argued to be a reason for it.)

There is just one major difference: bestiality is still considered taboo and disgusting by society. Gay marriage is accepted by a large portion of society.


That does seem to be on their minds a lot...

Weird thing is that allowing same-sex marriage is allowing two adults who are legally able to enter into a contract to marry... animals cannot enter into contracts. Neither can those under 18 years of age. Not sure what they are worried about...


Safer to talk about for the powers that be than


Secret desires!

Remember Larry Craig in the mens room?

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