What color should I dye my hair?

I might be dyeing my hair soon and I am wondering some suggestions on what might look good well I dont have a picture of me sorry so I cant post one on here but I have pale skin,dark eyebrows and very light brown eyes actually there amber let me know if you need any more information I know it will be hard to guess but I sure appreciate it


You should try an ombre hair color they're trending..
like a light brown fading out into a blonde .. google "brown ombre hair"
there are great ideas !

User 11235813212013-04-06T19:33:16Z

Oh! whatever color you choose go swimming in a nice chlorinated pool shortly after!

Really, why dye your hair? Maybe friggen rock what you got and be glad a billion other women can have your color.


Light brown with blonde highlights would look good probably.


Something light that will make your eyes look like they gleam..

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