Possibly slightly odd question for Jehovah's Witnesses, about making your lives easier?

Given that I have absolutely no interest in learning more about Jehovah's Witnesses religion and beliefs, and am very happy and peaceful in my own faith, what is the most helpful thing to say at the door?

By this, I mean the thing that makes the Jehovah's Witness's life easiest. Currently, I quickly and politely make it clear that I'm not interested in having a discussion and shut it down, as I don't want them thinking I'm secretly, deep-down interested (as I've heard some JW claim online, when explaining why they don't necessarily leave when someone says they're not interested).

But, my concern is that you have your scoresheet thing to fill in, saying how long you've spoken to people and how many people and so on, and that doing badly on that scoresheet can be a source of anxiety to you.

So, given that I have absolutely no intention of taking part in a Bible study with you, and have no interest in learning more about your beliefs, do not want more visits, will not agree to a Bible study, does it look better on your scoresheet if I shut the conversation down within a minute, or let you talk for 5 minutes or so? Does letting you talk for longer, while I don't listen, simply eat into your time for no extra benefit, or boost your score?

And if I did that, would it make them think I was interested, when I'm not?


Favorite Answer

Getting you to talk does help to pass the time that they can count as ministry. They also keep a score on the number of magazines that they place, but running the clock down on their ministry time is the main driver for most JWs.

So, if you want to make a JW happy, talk to them about the weather for an hour and then take a couple of magazines.

If you don't want to make a JW happy, either say "I'm not interested" or talk to them for an hour about Robert Lifton's work on thought reform and ideological totalism.


First of all there is no scoresheet. Second the kindest thing you can do is simply ask us not to come back. We will make a note of your desire and that will be the end of it. We do appreciate this much more than slamming the door in our face or not aswering the door at all.

Teller Of Truths2013-04-07T10:59:56Z

And we will respect your decision because that doest take up a lot of our precious.You simply seem you have no interest in spiritual things we offer.

Do not give what is holy to dogs, neither throw your pearls before swine, that they may never trample them under their feet and turn around and rip you open.” (Mt 7:6)
These Pearls are figurative as are the animals and represent something very precious... But if some individuals, who are like dogs or swine, show no appreciation for these precious truths, Jesus’ disciples should leave those people and seek out those who are more receptive

Common Sense2013-04-07T06:58:01Z

Just not answering the door might make it easier for a Witness, but not necessarily easier for the resident behind the door.


"Would you like to come in and sin with me?"