The World Record King Salmon weighed just under 100 pounds and should have weighed more. Why didn't it?

Here's your JUST FOR FUN Question for this weekend: In 1987, Les Anderson caught the Alaska state and World Record ALL-TACKLE king salmon. It weighed 97 pounds and 4 ounces. It should have weighed more, and probably over 100 pounds. Why didn't it?
Part Two: What was the weight of the largest known salmon ever taken by ANY means?


Favorite Answer

1.Fish lost fluids from being out of the water for so long.
2.King salmon 126 lbs in fish wheel.

Ghost of society2013-04-07T15:01:00Z

You said 1987 and the actual date is May 17th 1985 when Les Anderson landed this world record king salmon. He didn't weigh the fish until 7 hours later and because of that the king salmon did lose weight from being dead for 7 hours. When fish are dead out of the water they will lose some water weight and if a fisherman bleeds their catch the fish loses a lot more weight. It is said that if Les Anderson weighed his king salmon right away the fish could have been at the 100 pound mark, or a little bit over the 100 pound mark.
He caught it in honeymoon cove and fought it one and a half miles up to the pillars and back.
I know this story well from being one who loves fishing for king salmon and I also live in Alaska.

The biggest king salmon was caught was 126 pounds and it was caught in a fish trap near Petersburg in 1949.

Speaking of big king salmon; Kasilof river gets king salmon and people don't really associate big kings in this river. I can tell you that they found a king salmon carcass that was 6 feet long in Tustumena lake which is the headwaters for Kasilof river. I cannot find the story on this, but I remember the story saying that this king would have broken the 100 pound mark easily when it was still alive.


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The World Record King Salmon weighed just under 100 pounds and should have weighed more. Why didn't it?
Here's your JUST FOR FUN Question for this weekend: In 1987, Les Anderson caught the Alaska state and World Record ALL-TACKLE king salmon. It weighed 97 pounds and 4 ounces. It should have weighed more, and probably over 100 pounds. Why didn't it?
Part Two: What was the weight of the...


World Record King Salmon

Grand Master BasserĀ®2013-04-07T12:44:16Z

After landing it, Les threw the fish on the floor of his boat and fished the rest of the morning. Then he hauled it around in the back of his truck for awhile. May 17th was one of those rare sunny and warm days in Alaska and the sun beat down on that fish for 7 hours before it was officially weighed.

The commercial catch world record is 126 pounds... netting obviously.

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