Is it possible that Obama has or will successfully arrange things so he will remain in office for a 3rd term?

I've read that Jose Serrano has reintroduced a bill in Congress to repeal the 22nd Amendment, which places term limits on the U.S. presidency.


Here are a couple of links:

Jim B2013-04-07T17:55:31Z

Favorite Answer

If the country should reach the point that its citizens are fighting among themselves (which we are) and it should turn into a civil war (which it could) Obama could call for Martial Law in which case the president in office at that time shall remain in power until the conflict is over. I personal think this is what he has planned and this is the reason he has so divided the people as to make that happen on his watch. He is a dictator want to be and this would be right down his alley to get what he wants.


In 1947 Congress passed a bill to amend the Constitution to establish a 2-term limit on the presidency. In 1951 this amendment was ratified by the requisite number of states & was enacted as the 22 Amendment. In the several decades since, various members of Congress have offered proposals for repealing it (23 of them in the last 20 years). All have been unsuccessful.

Even if such a proposal was successful, it would still have to be passed by both Houses of Congress & ratified by 3/4s of state legislatures (an extremely unlikely possibility).

If such an amendment were successful, it would allow a president to serve an unlimited number of terms in office, but would not establish anyone to be elected as "President for Life" because it would not remove the requirement that the president be elected to office every 4-years.


That will never happen. Presidents have term limits of 2 years only.

Besides, the President during Obama's third team will be Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton, 2016...


No, Congress would have to pass an Amendment to allow him to get a 3rd term and Congress does absolutely nothing so that won't happen.


undergo in recommendations the Bush, Cheney years ? each and every of the phobia procedures used.. interior the form, of a mushroom cloud, bail out right this moment, or Marshal regulation the following day... it particularly is each and every of the rhetoric is, approximately Obama working for a third term ... only extra Republican concern procedures... My wager is, they sense they have not absolutely everyone, that may beat they're argument is, he's going to be a dictator...

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