Excel Help - advanced formulas?

I want to create a spreadsheet for exercises starting from basic exercises progressing up to the master lift. I'll call the beginner exercise "-A-" where progression cannot be made to the next exercise (-B-) until it is mastered.

Therefore when exercise -A- is mastered, I want to be able to put a number 1 into the spreadsheet and the next progression -B- will appear on sheet 2.

Sorry if it sounds confusing.



Favorite Answer

You have to Set A Flag for Mastering Level

Suppose Column A has the Exercise Name,Column B has The Level and C has Status (If it is Mastered or not) in either TRUE or FALSE

Simply Put a Formula in Cell A3

= IF (C2, "-B-", "-A-")

As much as I could understand it, I Explained. If you elaborate clearly May be I can come up with better solutions. Hope this will help you.