what is the word that describes a set of consecutive elevations, drawn one next to the other,?
even if in reality they are not on the same level? For example if we draw all the internal walls of one room, one next to the other, although in reality they are vertical to each other?
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An integer is a whole number, positive, negative or even 0. There are a number of studies with integers and consecutive-integers are one of those.
Consecutive Integer
An integer which is followed next in order is called the consecutive integer of the given integer. In other words, the difference between these integers is 1. Statistically, in a set of such consecutives, the median of the data is same as mean of the data.
3 Consecutive Integers
Let us understand the concept of consecutive with a few examples. 1, 2, 3 is a set of such since the difference between the integers is constant and the items in the set follow an order. On the other hand 1, 5, 7 is not a set of consecutive as because there is no order is maintained.
Find three Consecutive Integers
We had shown an example of three consecutives as 1, 2, 3. Similarly 3, 2, 1 can also be an example even though the order in the latter case is descending. For a perfect set of continuous-integers, the difference between these must be 1. To generalize, we can say a set of three consecutive-integers is n, (n + 1), (n + 2), where ‘n’ is any integer. This can be used as a formula to find the three.
Sum of Consecutive Integers
Suppose we take a set of consecutive numbers 5, 6, 7. We can say the sum of these integers is 5 + 6 + 7 = 18. 18 also can be obtained as (3/2)(5 + 7), that is, (half the number of terms)*(first term + the last term). This can be verified with any type of integers and hence this is the formula to find the sum of consecutive-integers.