If you could be a fly on the wall and check out what goes on in someone else's home; Who would you spy on?

BQ:Why this person?


Favorite Answer

Our Prime Minister

BQ: To see and hear is back room secrets


My next door neighbour.
Because every morning at 6am exactly, there's this massive crashing sound which sounds like someone pushing a cupboard down the stairs. Drives me and my partner nuts.

5 ft 7 Texas Heaven2013-04-15T14:08:27Z

Smiles, Oh my gosh, not my mom and dad for sure that could be embarrassing even for a fly. IDK exactly but I think I'd be OK to go way back historically and be a spy fly on Leonardo Da Vinci's wall as he planned and created.


Kim Kardashian.

BQ: I want to see her do everyday things lol


My friend ally house, because i know she stole my dress :<