Why do some people think that studying the bible is so great?
Instead of studying the bible or worshiping Him, don't you think God would rather you help His other kids?
Instead of studying the bible or worshiping Him, don't you think God would rather you help His other kids?
Favorite Answer
The more we grow in faith and knowledge of God (through his word also) the more effective we can help his other kids.
suzette s
Question 1 Why do I think studying the Bible is so great? Because I enjoy getting to know God better, becoming closer to Him and learning how He wants me to live my life. I find so much wisdom and inspiration in the Bible, and when I was a child in need, oppressed by negativity and violence and lacking food sometimes, the Bible was my lifeline. It helped me more than any human person ever did.
Question 2 Instead of studying the Bible or worshiping Him, don't you think God would rather you help His other kids? NO. Quite frankly we are not supposed to try to be God and be the rescuers of all His kids. Mind you I am not saying that we don't have a responsibility and even a God given "charge" to help the poor and needy. However, we cannot be light and salt and love to them without first having our priorities straight. First, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength THEN Love your neighbor as yourself. You'll notice if you read it that there's nowhere in the Bible where we're told that we are globally responsible for all the bad stuff going on in the world and we must stop it and fix it. That is God's job. Our job is to help those God puts in our path (our neighbors) and to give to the causes (at home or abroad) that the Holy Spirit prompts us to. But we are not God and cannot hold ourselves responsible for fixing every problem everywhere, His yoke is easy and His burden is light. We, who have read His Word and studied it and begin to understand it should know that we can entrust the things that are beyond us, that are not part of our scope of work, to the Heavenly Father who loves us and all our fellow man.
Well if only everyone actually took the time to read the Bible, in it they could learn many things that would benefit them. For example if everyone practised the commandment ''Love thy neighbour as thyself'' then the world would be an amazing place, no crime, violence or war. The Bible has more information than any other Book. If we all took the time to read and OBEY, we wouldn't have all the problems in the world. There for example would be no greed, rape, war, thefts, divorce, child-abuse, spousal abuse etc, etc. It is because people do not read the Bible AND obey it, that we have all this mayhem. Think about it, if we ALL worshipped God the Almighty, according to what is written in the Bible, there would be no need to help anyone, as we wouldn't be needing help !
It not a rather than. It not an either/or. God tells us to study, worship and to help. Studying the Bible is important, because it is the Word of God, his instructions, his prophecies, his words of inspiration and encouragement. How can you be the best Christian you can be without reading the Bible?
By Grace Through Faith
Without knowing the Bible, we don't know how to do His will. God's greatest desire is communion with us (I know this through reading the Bible). Our chief duty is to know Him. As we get to know Him better, we will understand more and more how to carry out His will. Your question is a little bit vague. You could be referring to anything between a secluded monk to a person who reads the Bible occasionally. I believe it's God's will that the child of God read the Bible at least once daily. I also believe we should study the Bible (not the same as reading it). Btw, the people God most wants us to help are not His "kids". We are all His creation; only those who put their trust in the blood of the Lamb are His children. God's desire is a good relationship with each of us, individually. That good relationship is only possible through redemption. Furthermore, a good relationship requires regular communication. The Bible is God's chief way of communicating with us. Prayer is our only way of Communicating with Him. How do I know? By reading the Bible.