Would you call 911 for help?

You cut your hand and know you need stitches but you've been drinking and know you can't drive.
None of your family or close neighbors are home.

Lone Woof2013-04-15T11:07:40Z

Favorite Answer

I would. You wouldn't want to lose any function of the hand or risk infection.

5 ft 7 Texas Heaven2013-04-15T22:50:15Z

While it might dpend largely on the circumstances, IE: I cut my hand while preparing a meal or involved in a bar fight I'd still call 911, and sort out the details later.


Just pour a little hydrogen peroxide on it to kill the germs and put a few bandaids on it. It will heal up. But if it's really bad and I can't drive then I would just run to the doctors office building right across the street.


Yeah, that's what 911 is for

the tooth fairy2013-04-15T16:34:51Z

depends, if the hospital's near (like around the corner) I won't call 911 anymore

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