How to cope with anxiety and panic attacks?

2 weeks ago i drank a 500 ml can of monster energy drink. Soon after that i started feeling high blood pressure, warmth in my body, shivering, high pulse and difficult in breathing. My veins on my head were beating very fast. From that day on i am still unstable. I don't feel comfortable while i try to sleep. I get panic attacks when i try to relax myself. I hardly get 3 or 4 hours of sleep maximum. I am on anxiety and high blood pressure drugs. My age is 24 y/o.

What should i do? Someone i think when i am alone that i could have brain hemorrhage because of that extra high blood pressure i had when i drank monster.

What should i do? My life is ****** up. I am ruined!


I have most of the symptoms of brain hemorrhage like a little numbness on my right half of body when i have high BP. Dry lips, etc. when i see them on internet


Favorite Answer

Please make an appointment to see your doctor and have a complete physical. Until then avoid all caffeine products and sugar. Eat only healthy foods and drink peppermint tea (peppermint is a natural relaxer). You should also start exercising every day for a minimum of 30 mins, preferably outside. Walking would be a good thing for you to do. Good luck!


I've been shy all my life, but somewhere in the past several years I've developed an extreme case of social anxiety. While it may not be the same type of anxiety you are experiencing, from what I've read from your story, the effects are the more or less the same. One time when I was on the bus, for example, there was a person staring at me from across the aisle. I started shaking, I was having trouble swallowing, my mouth got dry, my heart rate went up, I started sweating, and my head was straight down looking awkwardly at the floor. It got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore and I got off the bus at the next stop and caught the next one that came by. I experience this literally every minute of the day when I'm in public and it really does limit what I do in life. I am also 20 years old, and I've tried lots of things to deal with my anxiety. I've gone to online forums and got tips from people with similar problems. Simple tips like deep breathing or distracting your mind (looking out the window or listening to music). I tried these tips and tried to deal with the problem on my own for years, but the anxiety just never went away. I then decided that I would have to tell somebody about it. I told my doctor and he recommended medication or a therapist. I am fortunate enough to have insurance that covers the majority of therapy and I will be attending my 4th session soon. I think therapy is the best way to go, but if you're strapped for cash it can be difficult. I would recommend you do some research and find some self-help tips you can use and see if those help. If they don't, I would consider medication. I, like you, don't like the idea of medication. I don't want to have to rely on it for the rest of my life. But my doctor told me that medication can sometimes just be used as a stepping stone. By using medication along with some simple techniques, eventually you could be able to go without it. It can't hurt to ask your doctor for information. Some people can fix their anxiety on their own, some people need medication (it's all about being able to live your life the way you want, anxiety-free). Good luck!