Why all the venom against Obama?

I have followed US politics since Eisenhower was president. There have been some misdeeds by a few chief executives but I don't recall the invective directed at any of them like the poison spewed at President Obama.
Tricky Dicky was treated better. B.J.Billy Clinton was forgiven. The Kennedy trio were all womanizing sleazebags but Teddy was sent to Congress over and over in spite of his drunk driving that caused a woman's death.


Thanks for the advice to think for myself but I have done that all my life.
My question was not soliciting guidance. I wanted to know why Obama is so hated by some Americans and I did not get any reasoned responses. Refer to specific actions of his that you see as detrimental to the US.

Joseph the Second2013-04-15T14:34:11Z

Favorite Answer

LOTs of "Unhappy Campers" out there... Who are are Blaming Obama for Everything they Don't Like- about a World they no longer Understand, or feel a Part Of... :(


Stop listening to the MSM and think for yourself.

What has Teh One done that has improved our economy, and actually limited the scope of the govt.

Nothing. But he has increased the debt, forced more into food stamps and grown the unemployed.

Venom? No, that is what Matthews and Mahr say. The reality is its being unsatisfied with his poor performance.

Verdun Barbarians2013-04-15T21:36:09Z

Lots of frustrated Americans looking for a scapegoat.