What to use to remove pine sap from puppy's hair?

She is short coated, so cutting it out isn't an option. She had a bath 3 weeks ago and is prone to dandruff, so I don't want to bathe her again. She is 6 months and doesn't like to stay still, so something that would work quickly please!


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rubbing alcohol on a paper towel


My horses use to get pine sap. Pretty much any oil will take it out. Olive oil, corn oil, butter, peanut butter. etc. I'd use something like that, so when the dog licks the spot, whatever you used, won't hurt the dog.
Use as little as necessary, because it can be messy.


Baby oil, coconut oil or peanut oil.....I remember my mom use these oils to her dogs that gets into tree saps messing with chipmunks or squirrels. and not bathing your dog is not good either, it causes dundruff...bathing them too often they loose their natural oils......once a month is good.....


Peanut butter works for gum stuck in human hair...give that a try.


just shave your puppy's hair in that spot and be careful about cutting skin.It's hair will quickly grow back

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