When will our voices be heard? 91% of us have spoken for better gun control and many we put into office are?

not listening to us. Change is in order.


Favorite Answer

90% of americans want it.
90% of democrats voted for it.
90% of republicans voted against it.


Your question is open-ended and devoid of substance. I can control my gun just fine. There must be at least 91 people in whatever group that you speak for who have never had to worry about protecting their family from people who don't care about your stupid legislation.

Legio XVII2013-04-18T05:11:10Z

Around 90% of people support the general idea of background checks, but only around 40% support any new gun laws. And there were no opinion polls conducted asking if people supported this particular bill.


They are listening, but they write lousy legislation, and then those bad bills fail.

It isn't as though they aren't trying, they just can't agree what it is that constitutes the INCREDIBLY vague request for "better gun control" means.

This is no different than people wanting the deficit reduced....but never agreeing on a single dollar to cut.


What do you mean by "us"? Do you mean 91% of people that answer phone surveys? 91% of people that answered a survey on msnbc? You can't even get voter turnout up to 91%. Admit it, your numbers are skewed due to poor sample selection of "us".

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