Atheists, think back to the time you heard of God?

Did u ever try to séè if it was true or not true? Or did u decide it wasn't true then? Or research it in books or the web then decide? Or was it ur Pokemon dolls and cards tell ya? Or ________?


Favorite Answer

Well said, Jebidiah, well said.

King of Hearts 42013-04-18T21:38:43Z

I don't know, I was exposed a LONG time ago, while I was a wee kiddy. My parents weren't religious, but I went to a christian daycare. I'm glad I didn't get stuck in it though.


I tried finding "god" for more than 20 years, but since it was a honest search, I couldn't find "him".
Found way more proof for the flying spaghetti monster.


I just assumed it was like santa, the bunny and the tooth fairy. I was 8 before I realized adults actually *believed* in it. I was really shook my adults.


I really didn't believe it but I was just a little kid and scary nuns made me afraid to doubt.

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