Can I use my web-cam, to capture photo's, to post in my profile?


Favorite Answer

Yes you can.
At this time you can not make a avatar or upload a picture from a mobile device, perhaps that will change in the future.
For now profile changes must be made from a computer.
Go here , top center put the arrow on your avatar or !, click change picture.
From there you can upload a Picture from your computer or import a picture from facebook. When finished click submit on the next page. Sometimes it dose not automatically go back to, and sometimes the image dose not automatically change, click submit at the bottom of the page and it will change.
Yahoo Answers did away with their Avatar Maker.
If you want a custom avatar go to one of these sites and make a custom avatar, save it to your computer and upload it as a picture. **…


Good it is pretty simple, you should utilize the print screen button on you key board. Press that button and reserve it, with the aid of opening paint brush and press 'paste" or Ctrl + V. When you have a photo store you are able to do the identical and crop the phase you require.

Going with Logic!2013-04-22T06:48:20Z

Yes .. open up the camera application and then you will find a button that says :snapshot: click it and it will take a photo... I would be able to give more info if I knew which webcam you were using ...


Yes search on youtube about it but first choose this answere as best answer because you definetly get your answere