Why did the US refuse to adopt the metric system?

All US scientists use it. Many US engineers and architects use it. Calculation is much easier-it is often just a matter of moving the decimal point. Liquid and solid measures are related in the metric system where they have zero relation in the Imperial system. Britain converted their money to the metric system. A pound is now 100 pence. A pound used to be twenty shillings, a shilling used to be 12 pence. There were coins worth sixpence, threepence, twopence, one pence, a half pence, a quarter pence. There were florins and guineas and groats. Nutty!
The US gallon is also smaller than the Imperial gallon.remember that when you think you pay a lot less for gasoline.

Donald B2013-04-24T07:57:28Z

Favorite Answer

We actually tried but failed. I think the reason that we failed was that one year they changed all of the math books to metric. The teachers were not prepared to teach it that way as they had used the English system all of their lives. This is particularly true at the elementary level.The books gradually changed back although they do teach metric at the higher levels.