could god himself create a rock he could not lift?

I want to hear some opinions.


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Could god create a guitar riff that he could not play?


NO. If He could not lift it He would not be omnipotent and therefore would not be God. So this inane question, which has been posted here at least 300 times, is really asking if God can create a situation in which He is not God. NO.


This issue is examined by many philosophers and theologians;
This is a paradox;
If God (whatever is God) cannot create rock which He couldn't lift, that means that God is not Almighty;
And if God can create rock which He couldn't lift, that again means that He is not Almighty (because He cannot lift that rock);
We (all souls) are God, and, Super-consciously, we (all souls) know Everything;
But, on the old Earth, we don't know Everything consciously, and we (all souls) cannot understand paradoxes;
But, for God, paradoxes are like 1+1=2 for us (souls on the old Earth);
God is Almighty;

Jim V2013-04-24T21:31:47Z

As 2 Peter said, it is a logical contradiction.

The reason it is a logical contradiction is because hidden in your question is the attribute of an actual infinite. The question pits an infinite force against an infinite body. Dealing with actual infinities always leads to absurdities.

For a mathematical understanding of the problem go to YouTube and search "Hilbert's Hotel."


No. That would be a logical contradiction. It has no basis in reality.

A rock would have to be infinitely large to defeat an infinite amount of lifting power

Material objects cannot be infinite. Only God is infinite.

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