I must be a one of a kind person & taurus lady because?

I cant seem to find any good friends or anybody like me! & most of the time i know either right then or really soon afterwards if a friend is a friend or not by my keen intuition! It might be my inroverted side that keeps me from alot of people but I cant blame myself because even the people I get to know is not right! I feel so alone! Im kind-hearted which is probably a bad thing.. im always there for somebody.. im very loyal faithful & trustworthy! I dont know, am i better off to myself or should I just put on a front & fit in???! O im so lost, i want friends but
... u know


Favorite Answer

There are no two people alike so dont stress on it too much , being yourself is what makes you you so its all good and if someone doesnt like you as you are then its ok cuz u will find who does and if its only one in a million its ok because the one will be worth more than the 999,999 before him/her I will be ur friend im just online but ill be ur friend if u feel lonely :)


I to am a Taurus, and have always found myself stuck figuring out friendships and why I have never been able to make more friends or even keep the friends I have. I always end up being the person that makes the first move with planning and wanting to hang out, and the first and last person to text. I feel like I always get the short end of the stick, when I try to be laughing, loving, and caring person. I too was VERY introverted as a child, and lately have been becoming more outgoing, but still crawl into my turtle shell. I would definitely just strive and keep putting yourself out there and try to create friendships. I wouldnt necessarly put on a front, but definitely be yourself. It's difficult because you don't want to be fake, but you want to fit in. You will come to find friends that like you for who you are, sometimes it just takes time. Even having one or a few friends is having 50 acquentances or people that don't actually like you. Just try to having a close relationship with one or two people and try to plan to hang out a few times a week or on the weekend. Even the most unlikely friend might be a good friend, try not to ward off people that may seem like not so great people.

City Lights2013-04-26T05:30:49Z

Im a libra and I felt the exact same way..but not as bad as I used too.i was always there for others and loyal...but all I got in return for my friendship and loyalty was nothing...started when my partner died..and then anyone I turned to for support wasn't there.. I was done wrong by so many people and found out that anyone who I thought was a friend wasn't...I fell finacially and emotionally and no one cared even my own family let me fall..its true that when your rock bottom you find your real friends and I had none....I retreated into a shell, I do have a lot of cancer in my chart, and almost hermit like isolated myself for about a yr...one day I decided to get back out in the world so I got a job and believe it or not it was my now Taurus friend that healed me..she didn't care the way I dressed she didn't care that I had nothing ...she just liked me for me....I felt so numb and alone and she actually listened to me and taught me to be open and trust people again or at least to keep an open mind...I will never forget that kindness...I love her so much...and I was so broken...I mean who would want a broken person like me and she actually cared..she constantly says she did nothing and that I just need to worry about myself and that shell be there for me...but she has no idea how much she means to me..i can never repay her for her kindness...all I can do is love her with whats left of me and be there for her...ive told her that'. I feel much more confident and im more comfortable w who I am now...she says its all me but she gave me a reason to make me better...so in my opinon just be yourself and don't give a f-k what people think...just be a good person and do no one any harm..one person can make all the difference...one person means so much to me and all she did was be there for me...she thinks its simple but has no idea how nice it is to have someone realiable....youll find the right people...especially when your just yourself...and people who truly love you for you..don't give up... love yourself first...don't take things at face value...or judge whats on the outside...as long as your a good person someone good will find you...don't worry...


I understand how you feel! Wanna be friends with me? ;) I'm good with taurus! :D
I used to be introvert/reserved too but now I learn to open up. Be more spontaeous :) I smile more and people like that. No one introduces themselves with true intentions, because people are protective of themselves, these days more than ever.. People are afraid to get hurt. And if you've been hurt a lot of times, I can well understand why you keep your distance. Remember though, that people change and that no one is the same or thinks the same! There are new chances, other chances in life and you shouldn't be afraid.. Your fears disappear once you face them. :)