What should i know for an beginner graphic designer?

Hey so I decided to major in graphic design and Im pretty new at this so in my college the major is impacted so that means that im pre- major and have to show a portfolio to get in (plus it hard) I met some friends who are in the same degree with me and they had experiences and stuff like some already made logos for there own company one been doing this sine he was little and Im done a little photoshop in my senior year of high school so my question is if theres stuff i should look at stuff to know and ect because i really do want tot be in this program


Favorite Answer

If your program is structured like my university's program at this point you should be fine as they will have classes where you learn the basics prior to an admittance review. Since you really want to get into this program I recommend contacting one of the design professors and ask them where you need to be to achieve your goal, let them know early on that you desire this.

Kevin Kramer2013-04-28T02:14:35Z

Great question. When learning any the more time you put in and experience you have with the tools of the trade the better you will be. Basically you want to become as fluent in the terminology and tools as you can. If you have amazing ideas but can't fully realize them using the tools available then you are pretty much stuck. So my advice would be to create as many images and ideas as you can to build up your fluency and that will also help you build up a portfolio. I recently had a great interview with the most notable designer for Jack White, Rob Jones. He talks about how he got started. Definitely worth a listen.

Tim D2013-04-26T06:30:14Z

Get some information on typography.

An excellent (but fairly dry) read is Elements of Typographic Style, you could also try Leslie Carbaga’s Logo Font & Lettering Bible.
