Can someone get a teaching job in a US community college with a UK M.Phil?

I am curious if a UK M.Phil graduate would be able to get a job in a US community college. I know that it is possible to teach at community colleges with a Masters but how do they would see a M.Phil? It is a research degree so would it be worse or better than a taught Masters?


Favorite Answer

Community college we accept any type of masters. Community college teaching is extreemly competitive. If your degree is from Oxford or Cambridge the you have a better chance.


Oh you bad confused baby. How naive you're to think that your little emo development (that has a lifespan of about 4 or 5 years) is going to one day be superior to steel, a massive genre with over 30 years of large success. Metallic fans are essentially the most dedicated and loyal fanatics you can ever meet. Emo enthusiasts are just a bunch of 12 to 14 12 months ancient kiddies from middle-class suberbia whining about how horrible their existence is after they mostly have it lovely damn good. Again within the mid-80's, there was a brand new genre that consisted of bands like Flock Of Seagulls, A-Ha, and Devo. Enthusiasts of that music proposal it might take over, however after a couple of years it died out. I suppose that was before your time, but that is what emo music is today. 10 years from now folks shall be laughing at those songs and watching at pix of the ridiculous haircuts and clothes and say, "What had been we considering?" Emo music is a trend! A fad! Nothing greater than a t-shirt!


The first thing you need to do is check into work visas and residence permits. Lots of people from both sides of the pond think they can go across and teach. It CAN happen, but there are lots of hoops to jump through first. If your degree is good then you might be able to hire on as a guest teacher for a year or so, especially at a private school. But check with our embassy first.