Girl's Would you take a bullet for your boy friend or husband?

I ask this question because my wife actually did take a bullet for me how many of you girls would do the same for your boy friend or husband.

seedy history2013-04-29T12:51:24Z

Favorite Answer

Instinct is very different from pondering what-if. My guess is that your wife didn't think "I'll take this bullet for my husband". Her instinct to protect you is what probably kicked in without thinking at all.

Most of us have no idea what we'd really do in a situation until we are faced with it.


If we were ever in the situation, yes, I would.

Well, it's about time!2013-04-29T09:48:04Z

I'm sure they are out there

The Best Friend2013-04-29T09:48:53Z

Absolutely. If he'd do it for me, why wouldn't I do it for him?


I would.