What do you think of my songs?

Hey guys, my band just released its first EP (it's my first EP too but some of the band members are more experienced). Was just wanting to know what you guys thought of the songs. Thanks.


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@Steve: Thanks, I really liked hearing that. I sent you an e-mail through your Yahoo account that included a link to a mediafire download with the whole EP on it and we'd love to see a review of the album from your girlfriend. I very much appreciate you showing that to her. If she writes anything, send me a link. That'd be pretty great. Thank you.


Favorite Answer

My girlfriend is actually a published writer for an Indie / new music magazine. It's internationally published. She likes your music you have posted. Get ahold of me if you'd like. I'm a mixing engineer, sound designer and recording artist myself and I like your stuff. My girlfriend sounds like she'd like to write about you guys in the magazine if youd like some good publicity
Edit- she asked me not to mention her name or the magazine name just yet as she wants to be the one who writes about you.