bluetooth music receiver problem?

My laptop has bluetooth built in, pavilion dv7
I got this little bluetooth reviver that connects to my home audio system
my laptop bluetooth connects just fine with my andorid phone
and my android phone connects to the bluetooth receiver
but my laptop wont connect to this bluetooth reviver, it dosent show up in the add a device menu, but my phone dose. i unpair my phone from the receiver when trying to pair my laptop with it
i have redownload bluetooth drivers and all that
this is a rocket fish bluetooth music receiver
hp pavilion dv7 with integrated bluetooth

Alex Mercer2013-04-29T20:59:49Z

Favorite Answer

Dude, guess you can't pair an audio system with two devices. Mine is a small iHome speaker. Won't work with another device until I unpair it. There should be a reset button on you audio system. Or else try unpairing from your phone and then go back searching on your laptop.

Good Luck! :)


Rocketfish Bluetooth Receiver


Rocketfish Bluetooth Music Receiver


It is possible to pair many devices at once. try charging your devices first. no need to re-pair but some are only mono and some are stereo.