Is Texas still recalling their gold?

I read recently that Texas was asking for all their gold back from the federal reserve. At the time the issue was that 'so much gold could not be moved safely'. But I was wondering if that ever went anywhere.


Yeah I did


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I live in Texas and I never heard that.
I don't even believe that the states own anything from the Federal Reserve on an individual basis.

Also, Texas has no right to secede; remember the Civil War.
We may have been under six flags, but we are an absolute part of the United States and the only folks who mention secession are a few disgruntled extremists.

We have our own power grid, our own energy sources (oil, gas, wind power) and we own a part of the coastline. We also border another nation, good for commerce.
But even if we are almost fully autonomous, Texas would never secede because Texans would not support such an effort. Plus we'd have a fight on our hands, wouldn't we? The Civil War all over again.

who WAS #1?2013-04-30T09:10:44Z

Haven't heard about the gold Texas thing. But interestingly, Texas is one of the few States which, when they agreed to join the Union, have somewhere in the contract that they reserved the right to secede any time they want.

I've been through Texas a few times and always got the impression that they are just waiting for the rest of America to go away so they can be their own country again. They were only a Sovereign Nation for about 10 years, when they won their Freedom from Mexico and before they agreed to join USA. But they remember the Alamo (I've been there) and I can't wait in breathless anticipation for the day they finally decide they don't need U.S. anymore.

Bring it ON!


"I read recently that Texas was asking for all their gold back from the federal reserve"
No, you did not.