Has the imposed spam tainted Yahoo Answers?

I didn't like seeing advertising tacked on under questions and answers.
At first I though it was a few people doing it for extra income. Now I see it everywhere!
How does that make you feel?


Favorite Answer

Like a cheap prostitute asking for quarter, but, hey I'm still here, so obviously I'm willing to play my part in Yahoo's latest not-get-rich scheme. ;)

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2013-05-02T14:43:14Z

I assume it is Yahoo doing it for extra income. When it was only on resolved questions, it was almost tolerable. Now, it's everywhere and intolerable. Especially when on a computer where one is prohibited from downloading ad blockers.


I don't believe so, I haven't even noticed so don't care, if Yahoo didn't sell advertising there would be no site so have to put up with it.


It's YA's site,if they want to accept advertising that's their right.It doesn't bother me & I see no reason it should bother anyone.

k w2013-05-02T14:01:30Z

I never seen it bud